Mobile phones for disabled hands
Mobile phones for disabled hands

mobile phones for disabled hands

For example, the MiniVision2 will read the user’s text messages. The voice guide speaks everything that is on the screen and everything that is pressed. The voice guide is what makes the MiniVision2 a “talking phone” and therefore a fully accessible device for people who are blind. The power and volume buttons are integrated into the keypad and not on the edge of the phone, as is typical on smartphones. The bottom edge of the phone includes a micro-USB charging port, a 3.5 mm audio connector for headphones and two small holes to charge the phone when it sits in the charging station. In short, the MiniVision2’s keypad is the most tactile keypad we have experienced. And the Call and Power buttons each have three large bumps on their surfaces.

mobile phones for disabled hands

The navigation buttons, which surround the OK button, are raised. The OK button has numerous tiny bumps on its surface, giving it an unmistakable textured feel. The navigation buttons are especially tactile. The buttons are well spaced, making it easy to press the correct key. The lower sixty percent of the phone consists of the keypad, which has large black buttons with large white characters. It is made of hard plastic and has rounded edges that makes it feel comfortable to hold. It is 4.9 inches tall, 2.4 inches wide and 0.5 inches thick. The MiniVision2 is a little smaller than the typical smartphone. In addition to making calls and sending text messages, the MiniVision2 has an alarm, camera, FM radio, light detector, color identifier, money identifier, calculator, recorder, voice notes, flashlight, weather and a “where am I?” feature. The MiniVision2 is a basic cell phone but includes a number of features associated with smartphones. It can also be controlled to a large extent through voice commands. The phone speaks everything on the screen and everything that is typed. The MiniVision2 is a basic cell phone with large tactile buttons that is one hundred percent accessible to individuals who are blind. The remaining three are smartphones: the Google Pixel, Synapptic and the iPhone. Three of these are basic cell phones: the MiniVision2, Lucia and Jitterbug Flip. This post reviews six popular cell phones for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Mobile phones for disabled hands